Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Adoption updates

Here are some updates:

Tomorrow we meet with our social worker. We are really excited about meeting her and getting everything started. We have been filling a lot of paper work and we have so much more to complete. Some questions ask about our childhood and how we were raised, which are a little difficult to answer. Other questions ask how we plan on disciplining our children and what goals do we have for them for their education and how do we plan on disciplining them. Those questions are hard to answer because it depends on the kids and their abilities or what punishments work for them and which don't. Adoption is definitely a hard process with every thing you have to do, but I am sure that the pay off will be incredible. I will update you guys on how the meeting goes tomorrow, hopefully, if not then soon.

Last week we got a huge package from the adoption agency filled with adoption books and other information. It made it feel so real and I enjoyed looking through all of the books. There was one book, which I loved, about doing their hair...if we get a girl and it was so informative and at the same funny because I had not thought of the fact that I can't do their hair the way I do my own. It will definitely be interesting if we end up with a girl. 

Anyway, there has been a lot going on lately. Anthony and I have not found a place to live and we need to move out by the 10th of June. It has been a little bit stressful, but we are trusting that God has the perfect place picked out for us. Although it has been a little stressful, this whole adoption and finding a house to live in has really brought us closer to God and has brought Anthony and I closer than ever. We have been devoting time for prayer together at night and just really communicating so well. I am thankful for the fact that our marriage has not been stressed by all the stressed. We are so blessed.

As many of you may know, Anthony got a job at D1 sports. He is so elated, as am I. We feel so blessed that he was able to get a job with this amazing company with Christian values (here is a link for y'all to check out what Timmy thinks about it haha He started working yesterday, training mainly, and his boss took him to lunch and he prayed for their food and for Anthony joining the team. I thought that was so incredible. This is seriously a dream job for Anthony. The fact that right when Anthony is graduating they open a D1 facility here in Orlando was a gift from God. It is incredible what the power of prayer has. And although we keep saying that this is Anthony's dream job, I don't say it because of the money. I say it because I know that at the end of every day he will be happy doing what he does and he is so passionate about it. I am so grateful to God for giving Anthony this job. And I am so proud of my husband for working so hard. 

I have so much to be thankful for and I don't say all of this to brag, but instead to just show people that if you believe in God and you decided to live your life through Him that all things are possible. Anthony and I are an example of people who were SO lost and it wasn't too long ago that we were living a life FILLED with sin. Our past is filled with darkness and things that we are not proud of doing. We still are not perfect....we never will be. 

Thank you to every one who follows my blog and who encourage us through this process. God knew what he was talking about when he said that we can't do life alone; we need community. We have such amazing friends and family. We are so thankful for all the people who are offering to keep us for days if we don't find a home. People who are constantly praying for us and our children. People who are constantly pouring into our lives and our marriage and people who support us even through crazy decision. I love you all!

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