Monday, January 21, 2013

He Provides. An Adoption post.

When you read the bible, you always hear stories about how God provides. It is always inspiring and promising. But there is no better feeling than when God provides in amazing ways in your very own life.

Last weekend we raised $707.40 at our garage sale. Many, many, people donated clothes, furniture, shoes, toys, books, you name it. Towards the end of the garage sale, about 1/2 a mile from the house, on the corner of winter springs blvd, Anthony was standing with 3 of the Parker kids and Richard holding a "yard sale" sign. A lady walking with her baby asked Anthony what they were fundraising for. Anthony caught off guard by her question told her it was our adoption and the next thing out of her mouth was, "I think God is telling me to give you $1,000 for your adoption." Anthony said he cried. Then she proceed to pray over them. I wish I would have been there, but I know I would have been an emotional wreck. Between the garage sale and the donation we were at $9,707. We could not believe how fast God had provided! Then that night Lyndsay, one of my dearest friends, and her husband Nick wrote us a check to close out our $10,000 goal. 300 DOLLARS. Let's just say it was an overwhelming feeling to get that note and check from them. It is amazing the way God has worked through this adoption. He has not worked just through Anthony and I, but through so many people's heart who have given and given. I am so thankful for this Summit community, our families, our friends,  and strangers who have been compelled to give.

Two and a half months ago I was freaking out about raising money for this adoption. $10,000 seemed so unattainable. Today, I am amazed that we have raise $10,007.40. God indeed provides. We surrendered and God provided. He is so good. He takes care of his children. I am so thankful for how God has shown up in our lives and provided constantly. It has been a learning and growing experience for both Anthony and I and our marriage. We truly cannot wait to find out who our little guy will be and we definitely can't wait to meet him. Thank you to all who gave. Please continue praying for our little guy!

If you wanted to donate to us you still can, but since we have already reached our $10,000 goal (the rest of our money will come from grants we will apply to and savings), you can also check out our friend's, Audrey and Brad Perrott, adoption website. Audrey has made these cute little cards for Valentines day to help bring home their little girl from China. Go to this website if you want to take a look or go to if you want to just order some. This is a great way to show your love to friends, family, boyfriends, husbands, fiancé's, a stranger, whoever on Valentine's day. Please pass this link along and share on your face book!! 

Away with the old me and on with the new me.

Just recently, Summit suffered the loss of Isaac, our pastor. He resigned, just like that. It was hard to process and it broke the hearts of many. We are still seeing the damage of what the sin of one has done to so many. But the truth is...I am walking proof of God's love and work at Summit. My life in the past few years has been transformed.

July 25, 2009 we attended our first Summit service. The connection was instant; we fell in love. It was the first time in our relationship we had found a church we genuinely liked and wanted to be a part of. In November of 2009 we sat on a service about going to Africa. Something tugged my heart that day and in March of 2010 I went on my first missions trip ever. I didn't understand Jesus, and what he did for us, but through that trip I saw a glimpse of what it truly meant to be a follower of Christ. I want to live it. Seek it, but instead I fell back to the same things.

I remember there were points where I felt I lived a double life. In front of people at church I tried to "have it together," but I really didn't. On nights out with friends, I drank more than I should have, I used profanity more than I should have, I fought with Anthony more than I should have, I never read the bible outside of Sunday, I never prayed unless I needed something, it was awful.

In the fall of 2010 we were asked to join a bible study with The Drakes's, The Parker's, The Petersen's and The William's. We were the only couple without children, the only couple newly married (everyone else has been married over 10 years), the only couple without real jobs, we were the definite odd couple out, but some how we were wanted. These couples poured so much time and love into our lives. Anthony and I found ourselves changing, not drastically, but more than we had ever before. Little by little our hearts started to changed. Both Anthony and I recognized the changed that needed to take place and we were hungry for it. This group met for 18 months and by the end of this process we had changed drastically. 

In February of this year, we joined our new Summit Connect group (totally by the grace of God.)  I have never been challenged as much as I have in my life. These 9 people inspire Anthony and I. They make us want to be better people and better spouses. For the first time I was being transparent about who I was and who I had been. And for the first time I felt understood and loved, not judged and unwanted. For the first time I didn't feel like a fraud. The chains of my sins have been cut off and I feel free of the guilt that my past had casted in my heart. For the first time I understand what Christ did for me (and you) when he died on the cross. 

I am so thankful for my Summit Church family. If it wasn't for them I would still be living in fear of being neglected and abandoned, feeling unworthy and unloved. This church has taught me about the love of God and that we are all sinners, yet, God sent his one and only son to die on the cross for us. To take my sins away and make me new. And by understanding the immense sacrifice Jesus made for us, I am not led to sin more and try to use a "get out of jail card," instead it has led me to want to be better, to love better, and to live my life for Him.

Three years ago I would have never written a blog like this, 1 year ago I wouldn't have written this kind of blog either. Knowing me a year ago, I would have been too worried about what others, friends and family, would think of me. I would have been worried about not being perfect. But that has changed. What I didn't know then is that people who believe in Jesus aren't perfect (I really thought I had to be perfect to be loved by Jesus.) People who believe in Jesus strive to be better people because they know they are loved. Even if they were neglected at one point in their lives they realize that they indeed never were rejected or neglected because Jesus was always there. And that truth is so filling. I know I will never feel neglected or abandoned because I have a God who loves me unconditionally always and forever.

Last year was a great year of growth for Anthony and I. And this year has been off to a great start. Anthony and I are spending so much more time praying, reading marriage books, reading the bible and simply seeking God more. We have a clear understanding that we aren't perfect and if we seek perfection in each other we will never be happy in our marriage. We are trusting in God in ways that I didn't even know possible. For the first time in my life I truly feel God's presence in my life and in my heart. 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Little Projects :)

Bought this at an old Antique store for $15. I sanded it down because it was in pretty rough condition. 

This is the color I chose to paint it. I let it dry.

Once it was dry, I sanded it down and out my picture in. Very easy and a great way to decorate your house.

Chicken Thai Basil

I love this recipe. It is very easy to make, healthy and it is delicious. I got the recipe from Eat This, Not That book, but I tweaked a few things bc their recipe was too spicy and had other things I did not like. This version turns out so good, I hope you all enjoy it.

1 tbsp peanut oil
1 medium red onion
1 jalapeños peppers, thinly sliced ( you can use more if you like HOT)
4 cloves of garlic 
1lb of boneless chicken breast, cut into small pieces
3  Tbsp of soy sauce and a dash of Worcestershire
1 Tbsp of sugar
2 cups of fresh basil leaves

In a pan or wok, heat the oil. When the oil is hot add the jalapeños, onion, and garlic and stir fry for about 2 minutes. Add the chicken and cook for about for 3-4 minutes, until the chicken is starting to brown on the outside. Add the remaining ingredients, cook for another minute. I served mine with rice and broccoli. It was very tasty.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Loving your husband better....

Don't take my post title wrong, I love my husband well, or at least I think I do (maybe I should ask him--on second thought maybe I shouldn't, ha!) As the year came to an end I started thinking of ways to better love Anthony this new year; ways to show him my true appreciation. If there is one thing I have discovered in my short few years of marriage is the way I want to be loved is so completely different than the way he wants to be loved. I have taken the time to research 52 ways to better love my husband, 1 for each week of the year, some I will be doing continuously (placed an * by it). I have looked at Christian websites and just fun date websites; these stood out the most to me based on what Anthony likes. I will be crossing these off as I go doing it them. I need to stay accountable to this....

1. Take him out on a date—pre-planning all of the details ahead of time (totally surprised him with this one tonight.)
2.Give coupons for him to redeem-- back & head scratches, back & shoulder massages or rubs.
3. Buy him a gift card to his favorite place to eat and out it in his wallet for him to find.
4. Pray for him. So obvious, but I don't do it often enough.*
5. Respect his opinion even if it is the worst thing I have ever heard in the happens.* (respected his opinion of what car to buy)
6. Do NOT give him the silent treatment; it really isn't fun for me either.*
7. Surprise him with a sweet kisses when he comes home from work.
8. Place love notes in his pocket for him to find.
9. Start the coffee pot for him before I go to work.
10. Leave his lunch packed up for him in his lunch box.
11. Praise his good decisions.*
12. Discover his physical and emotional needs. Make him feel loved and wanted always.*
13. Watch a football game with him without complaining or talking about other things.
14. Go watch a movie of his choice.
15. Go for a long walk with him and use the time to encourage him for being so hard working.*
16. Listen to him with out interrupting (this one is hard for me.)*
17. Do a candle night dinner in our backyard.
18. Compliment him in front of others.* (will still continue to do this one)
19. Surprise him with a spur of the moment fishing trip.
20. Don't nag.*
21. Spend the day doing something that he wants to do.
22. Sometimes let him enjoy his day off work without having to “work” at home.
23. Cook for him without expecting any help during cooking or after with the cleaning.
24. Pray together for our future children. Especially the one on the way.*
25. Spend more time teaching him Spanish.
26. Surprise him by wearing his favorite clothes on me.
27. Compliment him.*
28. Start a bonfire in our pit, buy a bottle of wine and enjoy the evening outside.
29. Surprise I'm with a fitness magazine or sport magazine he really likes.
30. Take care of myself more (Anthony will call me out when I am not taking care of myself.)
31. Pray for our marriage.*
32.Practice being humble and admit when I am wrong.*
33. Initiate intimacy periodically. And respond more often. He needs to know I want him just as much as he wants me.*
34. Scrabble date night.
35. Take him on a date to watch UGA.
36. Encourage him to have more guy nights.
37. Clean, fold and put his laundry away.* (yeah, in this house Anthony does the laundry...crazy, I know.)
38. Go mini golfing.
39. Cheer for his team (UGA.)
40. Buy him a huge package of gummy bears (what can I say he is easy to please.)
41. Be supportive of his goals.
42. Sit and listen to him play his guitar and encourage him to do it more often.
43. Plan a weekend get away for just the two of us.
44. Be flirtatious with him (I think this one is important because so often we forget to flirt with our husbands.)
45. Be patient with him when we travel.
46. Try to honor his desires to spend time with his family.
47. Extend God’s grace to him and be forgiving when he offends me.*
48. Send him loving emails.
49. When he comes home from work allow him to relax.
50. Surprise him with sweet text messages. 
51. Take Chi out for more walks.
52. Ask him how his day was every day and genuinely listen to him.* (will continue this one)

New years life style.

Last year I would have told you that I had a few new years resolutions, which I did, but they didn't really work out. Honestly, I can't even begin to tell you what they were; so much for resolutions, huh? This year as I was evaluating my life, I realized the reason last years resolution did not work out...they were vain.  Yeah, vain as in full of vanity. Although I cannot remember all of my resolutions I am pretty sure one of them had to do with me loosing weight and being skinny and the rest followed suit. I am not saying there is anything wrong with me loosing weight to be skinny. It is the fact that I wasn't doing it for health or for Anthony or for how I felt, but for vanity, for what my friends would think, for how I would look in this kind of clothes as oppose to others. My resolutions were very self absorbed.

As I reflected more and more on this and my understanding of how self absorbed my resolutions were, I can't help but feel happy. I am happy I have come so far. Far enough that this year one of my resolutions is to be healthy with my food choices and in turn get in shape, but not for what my friends will think or to be stick skinny or to look good in certain clothes, but for me and for my husband and for my health. I know to some of you it may not be different, but my mindset on being healthy is different than last years. 

Getting healthy isn't my only resolution, or better said, my goal for 2013. I have a few. First and first most, I want to read the New Testament. Second, when I read the Word I want to be able to spend time soaking it in and journaling about it. This is something I have had a heart for, but have never done it, not sure why. Third, I want to be an honoring wife to Anthony, a wife who remembers that her husband is not God therefore not perfect and he will let me down, but I will continue to love him the same way Jesus has continued to love me. Which leads me to my fourth resolution, to love people like Jesus loves me. Not hypocritically or selfishly, but humbly because at the end of the day we are all broken beings with the need of forgiveness and grace of our loving father.