Last weekend we raised $707.40 at our garage sale. Many, many, people donated clothes, furniture, shoes, toys, books, you name it. Towards the end of the garage sale, about 1/2 a mile from the house, on the corner of winter springs blvd, Anthony was standing with 3 of the Parker kids and Richard holding a "yard sale" sign. A lady walking with her baby asked Anthony what they were fundraising for. Anthony caught off guard by her question told her it was our adoption and the next thing out of her mouth was, "I think God is telling me to give you $1,000 for your adoption." Anthony said he cried. Then she proceed to pray over them. I wish I would have been there, but I know I would have been an emotional wreck. Between the garage sale and the donation we were at $9,707. We could not believe how fast God had provided! Then that night Lyndsay, one of my dearest friends, and her husband Nick wrote us a check to close out our $10,000 goal. 300 DOLLARS. Let's just say it was an overwhelming feeling to get that note and check from them. It is amazing the way God has worked through this adoption. He has not worked just through Anthony and I, but through so many people's heart who have given and given. I am so thankful for this Summit community, our families, our friends, and strangers who have been compelled to give.
Two and a half months ago I was freaking out about raising money for this adoption. $10,000 seemed so unattainable. Today, I am amazed that we have raise $10,007.40. God indeed provides. We surrendered and God provided. He is so good. He takes care of his children. I am so thankful for how God has shown up in our lives and provided constantly. It has been a learning and growing experience for both Anthony and I and our marriage. We truly cannot wait to find out who our little guy will be and we definitely can't wait to meet him. Thank you to all who gave. Please continue praying for our little guy!
If you wanted to donate to us you still can, but since we have already reached our $10,000 goal (the rest of our money will come from grants we will apply to and savings), you can also check out our friend's, Audrey and Brad Perrott, adoption website. Audrey has made these cute little cards for Valentines day to help bring home their little girl from China. Go to this website if you want to take a look or go to if you want to just order some. This is a great way to show your love to friends, family, boyfriends, husbands, fiancé's, a stranger, whoever on Valentine's day. Please pass this link along and share on your face book!!