Saturday, September 20, 2014


Hiwot is 6 years old. Her story is the story of many six year old girls here in Ethiopia. She stays home babysitting her 2 year old brother in a locked hut the size of walk-in closet while her mother works to make ends meat. Her mother is hard working, you can tell how determined she is to provide for her children. When we ask her to tell us about herself, you can see the sadness in her eyes. She was sexually abused like many others. This is a fact that angers me, infuriates me actually. We spend a lot of time doing ministry for women and children, but something needs to be done about the men. A ministry for men needs to start taking place. There is too much abuse, neglect, and abandonment. I have experienced all of those in a first world country; it was painful, lonely and I would never wish it on anyone. But even in my own self-pity, it does not compare to what women who experience sexual abuse, neglect and abandonment in a third world country experience. They are shamed and pushed away from their communities for something they could not help. It has taken a lot of hard work for her to be in the place she is and for that she is thankful. Children's Hope Chest has helped her with job training (clothes washing) and with help for Hiwot. Even with all the training CHC has provided her with she struggles to find work. She makes meager money a month, about $30 a month, of which $20 pays for her home.

I am aware of all the poverty in our world, I truly am, but even being aware doesn't prepare you to hear stories like this one. Only with the hope of Jesus Christ can women in this situation continue to stay afloat instead of drowning in a sea a hopelessness. 

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