Thursday, July 19, 2012

Love spending time with the family

I have been blessed with in-laws who care so much about me and who are extremely supportive. Spending 7 days with them was really refreshing, but it is really hard having to say good bye. Being away from little Brady right when he was getting used to me was pretty difficult. I am so glad that we see each other often, otherwise it would be harder. Here are some of my favorite pictures from the week. 

Anthony and I on the beach :)

I love these two girls!

Beautiful Marenda

Kella showing off her cute little belly.

Anthony's pregnancy belly haha :)

Found this secluded beach on our bike ride.

God's creation.

I love this man :)

We love this little boy.

So handsome!

His face cracks me up in this picture.

My favorite picture of the whole trip!

Can't wait for next years trip. Hopefully everyone will be there and hopefully we will have our lovely child too.